ADGA Purebred Nubian N001754725 Born 3/13/2015
Sire: *B Black Mesa Roscoe Arbuckle
SS: +*B SG Six M Galaxy Make A Big Splash
SD: Jacobs Pride Marlyn Mondoe
Dam: SG Black Mesa Tally's Reece 12*M
--2017 Top Ten Breed Leader in Butterfat
DS: +*B Ruel Rhesa's JJ Rio Grande
DD: SG Black Mesa Brill's Tally Ho
Linear Appraisal Score: 87 VVVE at 03-05
2016 USDA-DHIR Elite Doe - 99%
Peace joined our herd from Black Mesa Ranch in Arizona and we couldn't be more thrilled to have this amazing girl here! She comes from a long line of beautiful, productive animals. Her dam is named on the 2017 ADGA Top Ten Breed Leaders list as number 1 in butterfat production, making her a second generation Top Ten Breed Leader.
Peace is as sweet as her name suggests and on top of that, she was an elite doe in 2016 and scores very nicely on her linear appraisal. Her beauty has held up over time, too. In the photo above, she was over 7 years old!
Update Fall 2024: After giving us two beautiful doelings this spring, sweet Peace is now retired. We will keep loving having her on the farm in her retirement and we are so grateful to have multiple daughters and a son as integral members of our herd. Peace's impact will be a lasting one, for sure, and we wouldn't have it any other way!
Sire: *B Black Mesa Roscoe Arbuckle
SS: +*B SG Six M Galaxy Make A Big Splash
SD: Jacobs Pride Marlyn Mondoe
Dam: SG Black Mesa Tally's Reece 12*M
--2017 Top Ten Breed Leader in Butterfat
DS: +*B Ruel Rhesa's JJ Rio Grande
DD: SG Black Mesa Brill's Tally Ho
Linear Appraisal Score: 87 VVVE at 03-05
2016 USDA-DHIR Elite Doe - 99%
Peace joined our herd from Black Mesa Ranch in Arizona and we couldn't be more thrilled to have this amazing girl here! She comes from a long line of beautiful, productive animals. Her dam is named on the 2017 ADGA Top Ten Breed Leaders list as number 1 in butterfat production, making her a second generation Top Ten Breed Leader.
Peace is as sweet as her name suggests and on top of that, she was an elite doe in 2016 and scores very nicely on her linear appraisal. Her beauty has held up over time, too. In the photo above, she was over 7 years old!
Update Fall 2024: After giving us two beautiful doelings this spring, sweet Peace is now retired. We will keep loving having her on the farm in her retirement and we are so grateful to have multiple daughters and a son as integral members of our herd. Peace's impact will be a lasting one, for sure, and we wouldn't have it any other way!